Studies have shown, contrary to the common belief that "exposure to cold air causes a cold," fresh air is good and healthy. When children and adults spend a long time together in indoor spaces, germs and illnesses pass easily from one person to another through sneezing and coughing, etc. In fresh, outdoor air, children do not have to re-breathe the germs of the group and the chance for spreading infection is reduced.
Outdoor activities are important and just as necessary as our indoor program. Both are essential to the health, education, and development of your child. It’s a lot of fun, too!
If it's too wet we will not go outside. On all other days, whenever the weather is per State regulations, we will go outside. Remember – if your child is well enough to come to the center, he/she is well enough to go outside!
Germs causing disease multiply in warm, dark, damp environments, so it is important to keep the environment clean and dry. Adequate ventilation, humidity and temperature control help us resist illness and increase our ability to get well after sickness. Colds, sore throats, and other infections of the respiratory system are common in cold weather and are usually caused by viruses.
Child care providers have the potential to improve the health of children in their care by having children play for extended periods outdoors in the fresh air. Hand washing is the single MOST effective way to reduce the spread of infection. Please be aware that if your child comes to school, he/she will go outside to play.
Outdoor Play is Healthy! Even In Winter! Children of all ages enjoy and benefit from playing outdoors in all except the MOST extreme weather. Daily outdoor play is healthy and burns energy. It gives children an opportunity for a change in environment, a balance in play and routine, and large muscle activities (gross-motor development).
Even children who are mildly ill but active should go outside if the weather is not severe. Staff and children alike will feel refreshed when fresh air is part of the daily routine. Taking children outdoors daily, even in winter, can be a healthy part of their schedule and is safe when clothing is appropriate. The way we feel about cold, wet, or snowy weather and indoor temperatures may be affected by where we live and what we are used to. Children living in colder climates tend to play outside in the winter more than children living in warmer climates.